
Yves D'Angelo
Yves D'Angelo

Research Interests

Since 2005, I am Professor of Fluids Mechanics & Applied Mathematics at the French Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA) in Rouen, France.

My main research interests deal with numerical modeling & analysis, asymptotic modeling and scientific computing.

At LIED Laboratory, present applications deal with

Lab Address

DyCo Team
LIED/Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain
UMR 8236, Université Paris Diderot, Bât. Lamarck B 35 rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris FRANCE. ;
+33 (0)1 57 27 50 15


My team and I develop the following solvers:

  • DYCO, for simulating coupled potentials stock/flow approach network dynamics and application to thermo-electricity, biology, economics.
  • HALLEGRO for solving fully compressible subsonic reactive Navier-Stokes equations (HPC using MPI).
  • FLAMEX for solving propagating fronts Sivashinsky-type evolution equations, through turbulent 2D and 3D flows (spectral/ETDRK methods).

We now also make use of adapted versions of the OpenFOAM® software, for more complex geometries or fluids.


International Collaborations
Politecnico Milano, Italy; CUED Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK ; Chair of Fluid Mechanics, TU Berlin, Germany; LTH, Lund University of Technology, Sweden: Dept. of Aircraft Technology, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Greece; University of Valencia, Spain; Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

Industrial Collaborations
Renault, IFPEN, ONERA, HBOB Grenoble, ST MicroElectronics Tours, BioPolis Spain.

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