View source for User:Yd You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason: The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Users. You can view and copy the source of this page. {{DISPLAYTITLE:Yves D'Angelo}} [[File:PhotoYD.jpg|200px|Yves D'Angelo]] <br/ > __TOC__ Since September 2016, I am Full Professor of Applied Mathematics at Université Côte d'Azur (formerly University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis) and Researcher at [ Laboratoire de Mathématiques & Interactions J.A. Dieudonné] CNRS UMR 7351, in the Fluid Dynamics & Scientific Computing Group. From September 2019 to August 2023, I am Head of the [ J.A. Dieudonné Lab] (~ 260 people). From 2005 to 2016, I was Full Professor in the Energy & Propulsion Department, French Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA/[ CORIA]), Rouen, France, and Researcher at CORIA Lab. === ''Research Interests'' === My experience is strongly interdisciplinary and deals with modeling, numerical methods and simulation, scientific computing, in fluid dynamics, turbulent combustion, chemical kinetics, pollutant formation, heat & mass transfer, granular & two-phase flows, hydrodynamic instabilities… In the combustion field, applications dealt with [ combustive flows] & thermoelectric conversion at the small scale, flame/wall interaction (with IFPEN), expanding wrinkled flames, flame-balls & ignition kernels analysis, flame/acoustics interaction, percolation modeling for front propagation, pollutant formation in plane engines (with ONERA), stratified combustion modeling in engines (with Renault). Other passed collaborations applications concern buoyant destabilization in [ wet granular media & non-Newtonian flows] with LIED and [ Institut de Physique de Nice], LIED and also SVI/St Gobain); Eyeglass-framed thermoelectric micro-converter analysis & design (with [ BioPolis]/[ Darwin], Valencia, Spain); Thermodynamics of metabolic energy conversion under muscle load and in particular the cost of oxygen question, with DYCO Team and [ Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (ecological economics ([ Ecological Economics], with [ AFD] and [ Energy & Prosperity Chair] <span style="font-size: 100%; border: "><span style="color:#FF0000"> At LIED and LJAD Labs </span></span>, applications and collaborations are still concerning: * <span style="font-size: 100%; border: "><span style="color:#FF0000"> DREAMS/Nematic Project : ,</span></span> Analysis of Dynamical Expanding Networks: modeling multi-scale spatial exploration, spreading & morphogenesisespecially in the biologic context. Our archetypal example & investigation topic is the constrained hyphal growth of the filamentous fungus ''Podospora anserina''. In the framework of an ANR support, the involved partners are Rémi Catellier, Claire Guerrier, Laurent Monasse, Etienne Tanré, Indira Chatterji at LJAD Nice , the B2C group (Gwenaël Ruprich-Robert and Florence Leclerc) at CITCOM, Eric Herbert at LIED, Amandine Véber at MAP5, Milica Tomasevic at CMAP Ecole Polytechnique, and also Cristiano Ricci at Pisa, Italy and Jean-Christophe Nave at MCGill Montréal, Canada. * <span style="font-size: 100%; border: "><span style="color:#FF0000"> Nanothermoplasmonics </span></span> modeling & simulation: coupling (hyperbolic) heat transfer equations and Maxwell equations at the nanoscale; further coupling with the dynamics of possibly reactive flows). Collaboration with [ Inria ATLANTIS Team] (C. Scheid, S. Lantéri), and Laboratoire de Plasmonique et de Procédés par Laser at Polytechnique Montréal (Michel Meunier and Léonidas Agiotis). * <span style="font-size: 100%; border: "><span style="color:#FF0000"> pre-mixed flame theory and modeling </span></span> , with MNDF team at LJAD Nice. * chemical, radiative and fluid dynamIcs interactions for <span style="font-size: 100%; border: "><span style="color:#FF0000"> silicates migration modeling in protoplanetary disks </span></span>, with Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (C. Michaut, OCA, Lagrange Lab) === ''Lab Address'' === <br /> Laboratoire Mathématiques & Interactions J.A. Dieudonné <br /> Université Côte d'Azur CNRS UMR 7351 <br /> Parc Valrose 06108 NICE CEDEX, France<br />,<br /> Also INRIA Atlantis Team <br /> 2004 Route des Lucioles 06902 Valbonne, France <br /> ===''Solvers''=== My team and I developed/still developing the following solvers: * [ DYCO], for simulating coupled potentials stock/flow approach network dynamics and application to thermo-electricity, biology, economics. * [ HALLEGRO] for solving fully compressible subsonic reactive Navier-Stokes equations (HPC using MPI). * [ FLAMEX] for solving asymptotics-based evolution equations, in particular propagating fronts through turbulent 2D and 3D flows (spectral/ETDRK methods for Sivashinsky-type non-linear non-local equations). We now also made use of adapted versions of the [/Using_%26_Developing_the_OpenFoam%C2%AE_suite OpenFOAM® software]. ===''International & Industrial Collaborations''=== <strong> ''Passed and Present International Collaborations ''</strong><br /> Center for Combustion Studies, Yale University;; Skolkovo Institute, Moscow; Politecnico Milano, Italy; CUED Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK ; Chair of Fluid Mechanics, TU Berlin, Germany; LTH, Lund University of Technology, Sweden; Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Greece; University of Valencia, Spain; University of Washington, Seattle; Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems, Como; Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy; Queensland University of Technology, Australia; Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada; McGill University, Montréal, Canada. <strong>''Industrial Collaborations''</strong> <br /> Renault, IFPEN, ONERA, St-Gobain, Start-Up Hotblock Onboard. ===''External Links''=== *[ My former homepage at CORIA-CFD] and [ HALLEGRO Page at CORIA] <br /> and also the * [ Stratified] and [ MesoScale] combustion applications at CORIA-CFD. <!-- Google Analytics trackers {{#widget:GoogleAnalytics|tracker=UA-76148621-1}} --> Return to User:Yd.